Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A correct view of women precis

Women must always be pleased by the work of a man in order to strengthen his character and image and be a helping hand to him, but not a second brain. Argument Structure: -Chesterfield constructs his argument using Logos to get his son to share the same point of view as him. -Although he argues that women are meant to keep men company and construct their character, he believes that women can't make Important decisions due to their lack of growth. -They are only children of a larger population without a solid reasoning or good sense.Chesterfield notes that to keep women, you must make them feel they are contributing to a man's declension, but this Is only a mask of flattery because man already has their declension made. -Compliments must be given, varying on the women. Conclusion: Although Chesterfield's views seem very cynical and outdated, I still see the points he made as a significance part In modern treatment of women. Many lobs require making critical decisions go to men. I beli eve that this is because as Chesterfield mentions, women do not have solid reasoning or good sense.I do not Greer with this but do think this was a large view in the past generations for some cultures that has subtly passed down the generations. As for flattering women, from observation, most women do enjoy being complimented. I see this more general though; I would believe everyone likes being complimented, both men and women. Chesterfield mentions that women shape a man's character, and with this I do agree. Well presented women give their husband a better image by far than sloppy and lazy women. Overall I would say Chesterfield's idea are very concentrated, but we do see the diluted form nowadays.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Journal Article Critique of ‘an Empirical Analysis of Trends in Psychology’ Essay

I.Research Question or Problem The journal article question is clearly stated. The question asks whether the behaviourist, the psychoanalytic, the cognitive, or the neuroscientific perspective is most intellectually significant and most prominent in psychology today (Robins, Goling, & Craik, 1999, p. 117). II. Introduction The introduction presents differing contentions regarding which school of psychology is most prominent. Five references have been cited in the introduction. It is believed by some that the cognitive perspective reigns over psychoanalysis and behaviourism (Baars, 1986; Gardner, 1985; Hunt, 1993; Sperry, 1988, as cited in Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 117). An opposing conviction, however, states that this belief is merely a representation of cognitive psychologists’ opinion of their own field rather than an accurate statement based on facts (Friman, Allen, Kerwin, & Larzelere, 1993, p. 662, as cited in Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 117). Furthermore, it is argued that the belief in a â€Å"cognitive perspective revolution† is simply a method for scientists to justify their practice (Leahey, 1991, p.362, as cited in Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 117). Other theories have indicated, without empirical evidence however, that behaviourism continues to flourish despite the loss of â€Å"mentor B.F Skinner† (Salzinger, 1994, p. 816; p. 461, as cited in Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 117). Lastly, it is contented by some that the neuroscientific perspective continues to prosper (Churchland, 1998, as cited in Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 117), and that the entire field of psychology will eventually become a subfield of neuroscience (Bechtel, 1988, as cited in Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 117). III.Methods The authors employed three indexes to conduct their study; the subject-matter index of psychology’s Flagship publications, the subject-matter index of psychology dissertations and the citation index of Flagship publications. For the psychology’s Flagship publications, authors selected several word stems in a database called psychINFO, including: psychoanal#, cognit#, neurosci#, reinforce#, and conditioning#. At that time, they calculated the percentage of articles published in the Flagship publications between 1950 to 1997 and charted their findings over time (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 118). For the psychology dissertations, authors once again employed psychINFO, this time, to analyze the topics presented in doctoral dissertations between 1967 to 1994. Then, they calculated the percentage of dissertations for each of the four psychological perspectives (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 119). Finally, for the citation index of Flagship publications, authors su rveyed trends regarding the number of citations found concerning each perspective in the Flagship publications. Then, they selected the top four journals in each perspective using a rating system operated by prominent neuroscientists (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 119). Applying these findings, authors calculated the â€Å"total number of times per year the flagship publications cited articles published in each sub-disciplinary journal† (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p. 119). IV. Results The results undoubtedly provided answers to the question/hypothesis. The findings indicated that articles regarding the cognitive perspective appeared most frequently in all three indexes, followed by the behavioural perspective. Articles regarding the psychoanalytic and neuroscientific perspective, however, were essentially non-existent throughout the studied period. Authors provided graphs and tables in order to demonstrate their findings over time for each index (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p.121-126). V.Discussion/Conclusions Due to their compelling findings, the authors were able to construct several conclusions. Firstly, psychoanalytic journals, dissertations, and flagship articles have not been in the spotlight of mainstream psychology for the past several decades (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p.123, 124). Secondly, with the focus currently on cognitive psychology, behavioural psychology has and continues to subside in scientific psychology (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p.124). Moreover, the authors’ state that one reason cognitive psychology is transcending behavioural psychology is due to the immeasurable role of computers in modern society. For example, thanks to computers, considerable changes have taken place in regards to scientists’ understanding of memory, information processing, etc (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p.124). Lastly, mainstream psychology does not yet recognize neuropsychology; however, there is an obvious increase in popularity that is underway. Authors recom mend further research to explore the growing prominence of neuropsychology (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p.125). VI.References Authors used a clear and consistent citation format, and each of the references was properly cited within the article. The authors used a variety of sources ranging from the 1930’s to the year prior to the study. The older references were used to demonstrate variations of theories over time. VII.Personal Reaction I consider this article to be rather thought-provoking. From the beginning, I agreed with the theorists who believed that cognitive psychology was the leading school of psychology. Although this article was written fourteen years ago, I believe it continues to be true today. I was not aware of the serious decline of the behavioural perspective; however, after reading about the impact computers have had on science and scientists, it became clear (Robins, Gosling, & Craik, 1999, p.124). One limitation that I feel could have affected the results was the manner in which they selected the top four journals. I wonder if the results would have varied had different journals been chosen. In my opinion, the sample size of four journals seems somewhat confining to the research. Even so, this was a very interesting article. I would be rather intrigued to read a current study of the same topic and see if the results are equivalent.

Where Do I See Myself in 10 years?

Started from being a little girl who didn’t know what was right or wrong, a girl who just looked at everyone thinking they were weird looking or funny, a girl who loved her family just as much has she loved her binky. To being a woman today with big hopes and dreams, a woman who one day will pursue her goal to being an athletic trainer, and to one day have a family of four. Ten years from now I desire to finish college with a masters in athletic training and work with a professional sports team. I want to save lives in the future and in order for that to happen, I must complete my goals.The beginning of sixth grade was when I first was involved with sports. I loved basketball, but it also was the only sport I did for a year. The next year was when I really got involved with all sports. I participated in volleyball. I never really thought that I, not the smallest or bravest girl, would enjoy volleyball but I did. It was so fun and I was actually good at it! I was so surprised b y the end of the season. I was able to block, reach over the net, hit, pass, and I wasn't afraid to fall to the ground.Now, being a senior in high school and over half way to graduating I absolutely love volleyball. My dream ever since freshman year when we went to a WSU volleyball game was to be college student playing volleyball on a college court in front of a big crowd shouting of my name because I have played great. Since then I have come to realize that I am too short to play college volleyball. I feel really tall next to my friends and family members but when I stand next to the college volleyball players I am a shrimp.I want to do something with my life that involves sports. I feel like sports make up my personality. Even if I am weak at some sports, it helped build up my leadership, my confidence to achieve something that I need to work on, and my ability to stay competitive against others. The closest career that dealt with sports and made a decent amount of money was athl etic training. Taping injuries, teaching the players’ different exercises, and much more sounds so fun and a career that I can spend the rest of my life to doing.I someday hope to be working at a college that I graduated from hoping to be either Boise State University or University of Montana. My goal is to have started a family business to help my family out with money and also to help people that are in need of sports injuries. I want my business to be a gym where members can workout. When they get an injury or have a question about an injury, I will have employees by their side in no time to answer their questions.If the member wants they can have a personal trainer to help him or her out. This business will have a gym and such others there they can play basketball, tennis, racquetball, weight room, and etc. I hope to make the business fun but yet a serious place where people with such injuries can get the help that they need to make their lives better. My future ahead of me looks bright and exciting. I want to achieve my goals in order my future to end up what I have wrote above.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Global inequality and develpment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Global inequality and develpment - Essay Example Obviously, there have been others such as Simmel and Durkheim. For Marx and Weber, although in quite distinct approaches, it is capitalism which is ‘the most fateful force’ (Pellicani 1994, 25) influencing modernity. For neither of them is this suggestion factual in terms of economic determinism: ‘it is not that capitalism as a form of economy causes modernity to be as it is’ (ibid, p. 25). However, for Marx and Weber the invasion of the global economy by capitalism is a critical agency of modernisation. Instead, each interprets capitalism, as what Marx refers to as a ‘mode of life’ (Sayer 1991, 7). The explicitly mentioned issue of the empirical studies of Marx and Weber is capitalism, but the purpose for its analysis was the issue of humanity’s fate in the modern world, whose challenging characteristic is typified by the concept of ‘capitalism’. ... nt objective of the ‘Communist Manifesto’ is politics and practicality whilst the objective of Weber’s works in the sociology of religion is history and theory (Apter 1965, 62). However this does not rule out the possibility that the initial and core inspiration for both Marx’s ‘Manifesto’ and Weber’s ‘historical research’ (Turner 1993, 18) may, however, have been the sole and reflective question regarding our modern mode of humanity. Similarities might afterwards be drawn, for instance, between the confrontational analysis of the ‘bourgeois’ in the ‘Manifesto’ and the equally crucial critique in the earliest of Weber’s works in the sociology of religion, where in a similar ‘bourgeois’ humanity is somewhat distinctly assessed. Both analyses engage our own selves in our historical context. If this premise of comparison is objective but fundamental to the content of their theories, in that case, this sole question should surface repeatedly in the thematically distinct theories of Weber and Marx. It is then relevant to discuss Marx’s and Weber’s ideas of global inequality and development. The Development of Underdevelopment The implication of the relationship of development and underdevelopment has two core principles; however, this essay will only discuss the first and most contentious of these principles as it is the one that greatly relates to Marx’s and Weber’s conception of the global economy. This first principle is best summarised in Frank’s idea of the ‘development of underdevelopment’ (Veltmeyer 1980, 213). ... the metropolis expropriates economic surplus from its satellites and appropriates it for its own economic development. The satellites remain underdeveloped for lack of access to their own surplus and as a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy on Art Essay

Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy on Art - Essay Example In his work, Hegel’s (pp.35) idea revolves around the fact that art is on its way to extinction from the fact that the society is moving on its own way, a situation whereby actions that relate to art will be justified on the basis of beliefs. In the case of productions of nature and production of art, there is a great disparity between the two. Productions of art, in this case, are not much more inclined on modernity- aspects that hold less value to the perfection of art. He continues to argue that art must originate from the individuals, and not from modernity attributes that derail the progress of art. According to Hegel (pp.36), productions of nature can be described as upholding the features of aesthetics, unlike the works of art that are much more concerned with the status and recognition that the artists may acquire from their work. This, however, needs not be confused, art is not about recognition of pieces done, but recognition on good pieces produced. It is due to thi s fact that Hegel terms art as completely dead and does not believe in any idea that art may, by any chance be expected to revive. In fact, in his works, he is keen to say that there is nothing much better that the Greek architecture that come up from the exiting humanity. Hegel (pp.35) terms Greek pieces of art as aesthetics, as they embrace all the aspects of a good piece of work unlike today’s pieces that are only concerned with issues of modernity. Hegel can be indicated to seek happiness from the fact that that part of ‘true’ art is gone and no one can improve or change that. Productions of art, on the other hand, do not encompass, what Hegel would term as basic â€Å"need† from which all art-making process operates- the spirit- but just come up with pieces that would elevate the status of the artist. Hegel’s thoughts comparison on the productions of art versus the productions of nature can be best understood under the definition of both concep ts. Productions of art, according to Hegel, are motivated by the visual images or rather the sensory perceptions of the artist. Productions of nature, according to Hegel (pp.36) are not vivid enough, as it emanates from the human mind, and at times, the entire aspect can be considered vague. Concepts of nature, in this context, can be described as being too imaginative to be real. Productions of art according to Hegel revolve around ideas of beauty. Beauty, as he describes includes the ideas behind composition of any piece of art by an artist. This turns down to the basic need of production of art as underlying from the spirit of the artist. Judgment of the pieces of art can be described if the piece of art is good enough or not. Hegel’s argument on art, in essence, revolves around the concept of well-organized thoughts prior to the compilation of any piece of art. As a result, productions of art revolve around the senses and spirits that have created such great pieces of art . On a layman’s point of view, productions of art can be described as those pieces that communicate various forms of messages to the target audience with a lot of ease. Just like other areas like Philosophy, Psychology developed; art has gone through a form of transition from medieval art to art that conveys meanings to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

International Marketing Mix Tutbury Crystal Case Study

International Marketing Mix Tutbury Crystal - Case Study Example A family owned business that churns out the highest quality of cut glass and allied products that come under the lifestyle category, Tutbury is a name to reckon with. Given its history and the prestige attached with owning pieces produced by this company, it would be a tough job to market this effectively in a region where little would be known about this exclusive brand. In this regard, the paper will present factual based strategies throughout in order to maintain a strong context in terms of the branding and marketing mix that would suit this company the most. This will be done with a strong focus on the operational realities within which the company has been functioning in Europe so as to find a suitable model for application in the country of our choice. The basic people this plan caters to are the stakeholders. Following are the points pertaining to Anukul Designs and its operations: The demand for Dipti's products grew and there was a market for interior decoration. By 1993, Dipti was busy undertaking several turnkey projects for complete furnishing of guest houses, hotels, as well as the Governor's residences in the state of Orissa. In this regard, it is imperative to loosely define international marketing before moving on. International marketing is that sphere of activities that is aimed at introducing a product in a country or group of countries with the aim of creating sales and some amount of awareness regarding the brand. (Bennett et al, 2002) Therefore, for a lifestyle product like crystal, what better than a country where lifestyle solutions are becoming a rage and the norm of the day - India. New Product Development: Range of Furnishing Items by Anukul Designs Table 1. Where Are the New-Product Opportunities' Product type Advantages Disadvantages Examples True break- through High profit High failure rate High R&D expense Epilady hair remover Betamax VCR Selectavision by RCA Lactaid (enzyme for break- Ing down milk sugar) Adaptations of existing product Greater chance of success More predictable sales patters Low R&D cost Small piece of large pie Less prestige Can become very Competitive IBM personal computer Colgate baking soda toothpaste Healthy Choice frozen Dinners Line extensions Presold audience Keeps brand fresh and new Inferior product can dilute core brand Healthy Choice soups Compaq laptop computer Haagen Daz frozen yogurt Sony walkman variations New use No new manu- facturing costs Incremental sales opportunity Arm & Hammer bakingsoda as refrigerator

Friday, July 26, 2019

Glaciation in Ohio and impacts of glaciation in Ohio Essay

Glaciation in Ohio and impacts of glaciation in Ohio - Essay Example The most important impact of glaciation is the materials that have been left behind by the sheets of ice. These materials includes particles of clay, sand, gravel and rock debris. Most of the materials that had been deposited both above and under the surface of water as a result of glaciation has resulted in formation of geographical features called eskers and kames (Peacefull, 1996). The numerous kames that are found in Portage and Summit counties are a result of deposition of glaciation materials in-between ice sheets that protruded southwards. Comparatively eskers are rare in Ohio although one may encounter eskers in Portage County. Another major impact of glaciation in Ohio is the formation of the glacial lakes. The deposits of these lakes were primarily constituted of fine clay and silt particles. Changes in the drainage pattern of Ohio is also a result of glaciation which disrupted the northwest flow of the River Teays and its tributaries which helped in the formation of Lake Tight in southern

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial part of group case study about material Assignment

Financial part of group case study about material - Assignment Example Generally, business firms require capital for meeting long term financial needs and for meeting working capital needs. Long Term Financial needs include cost for purchase of building and plant and machinery. Roberto (2007:2). This amount would remain blocked for more than one year. It may even remain blocked for the entire life of the project. Hence, the purchase of plant and machinery, Land and Building that is, Fixed Assets has to be funded through Long Term Sources of Finance. All these capital expenditure decisions involve huge investments, however the benefits of the same can be perceived in the Long Term only. Moreover, these expenses are irreversible in nature; this means that once the expenses are incurred they cannot be altered. Hence, these expenditures need to be planned carefully to avoid liquidity crises. The firm has planned to meet the Long Term Capital needs through Owner's Capital and long term debt from relatives. We conclude that this is a sound decision as it redu ces the liquidity risk. Firms also require capital for meeting short term financial requirements include working capital which means the capital required for meeting the short term cash requirements for purchase of raw materials etc. Robert (2001:3). These are generally held in form of cash, for meeting short term requirements. ... Moreover, money can be blocked in accounts receivables, customers to whom goods are sold on credit basis. Liabilities are economic obligations of a business towards others to pay money or provide goods or services. Ronald (1986:4). There may be short term liabilities which need to be paid such as accounts payables, bills payable, outstanding expenses etc. The current assets and liabilities have to be managed efficiently. The firm is kept 1000 for meeting working capital needs, in order to fund the purchase of raw material and meeting short term manufacturing expenses. Cost of Capital The capital of the firm includes 40,000 loan (debt) and 10,000 as owner's capital (equity). The cost of capital of a business is the minimum rate of return it should earn to satisfy the various categories of investors who have contributed to the capital of the company. We have to determine the Weighted Average Cost of Capital. Roger, Shannon (2008:5). Here, we take debt and equity as weights. The rate of return required by equity investors is higher than the return required by debt holders. This is because there more risk associated with equity capital than debt capital. The debt capital holders will receive a fixed interest income every year and the equity shareholders receive dividends only in case there is profit. Hence, the rate of return required by equity shareholders is assumed to be 20% and the interest cost on debt is @ 8% p a. The interest cost is tax deductible. Hence, it reduces the cost of capital significantly. The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is determined by the following formula: D/(D+E) X Kd (1-T) + E/(D+E) X Ke Here, D = Debt Capital E = Equity Capital Kd= Interest rate on Debt T = Tax

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ellen DeGeneres' Use of Social Media Research Paper

Ellen DeGeneres' Use of Social Media - Research Paper Example As the discussion stresses Ellen’s career has prospered and among other activities, she has been the host of the Emmys and the Oscars, she produces her own fictional television show on NBC and is the spokesperson for various companies. According to Van Krieken, celebrity is a status or quality characterized by a an ability to get attention that will create value from the fact of being widely known. Based on this definition, it is clear that Ellen is a celebrity as she is broadly accepted by the US public and has developed to become among the most influential celebrities who fight for equality using social media platforms. Ellen has been able to make the issues that surround sexual equality more visible through social media while at the same time advancing cultural and social change in America.This paper discusses that  Ellen DeGeneres uses numerous social media platforms that include her website which contains all the information that one may seek to know about her such as g etting tickets to her shows, past episodes, the celebrity guests she hosts, inspirational experiences as well as musical performances among others. The website also allows visitors to buy items from The Ellen Shop and connect to other social media sites and pages. On the other hand, her Facebook page has been verified and is liked by more than eleven million Facebook users. Her Twitter account s also verified and has approximately forty two million followers with more than ten thousand tweets.

A Better Russian Space Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Better Russian Space Program - Essay Example This essay describes main events from the history of launchings and space researches in Soviet Union and modern Russia, such as the first artificial satellite called Sputnik 1 launching in 1957, the first man in space in 1961 and space launches lessening in 90th, because of economic issues, and later provoked by means of political disorder in the country. In 2000, as this essay states, Russia’s position on the world launching started to improve and moved in to top slot which it has detained ever since maintaining an average launching rate. But, sadly, in the last 2 years the Russian space program, once was the envy by the whole world, has been facing a number of problems, especially since huge financial effort on the already strained Russian space agency. Second part of this essay suggests the way Russia can improve it's own space program and what steps should it take, such as experiments with voyages to Mars, increasing their budget and developing a partnership program with NASA. In conclusion, this essay demonstrates the importance of what space agencies all over the world are doing daily. They are constantly researching and developing to better serve mankind's thirst for knowledge and comfort. This is why it is important to support and embrace space agencies at all times, for who knows what gifts they could bring us in the future. It also suggests, that Russia needs to work hard in making their space program the best, that it was in 1980s, and many believe that they can lead the way once more.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Questionnaire Design Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Questionnaire Design Coursework - Essay Example e present research is conducted to determine the role of direct marketing and its potential benefits for the companies to acquire a competitive advantage in the industries. The primary aim of the study is to investigate how direct marketing activities contributes to the creation of competitive advantages. Therefore, primary research is gathering primary data from the (N=20) respondents from the survey questionnaires. The other section of the report presents a brief discussion based on the information and responses obtained. The main objective of this study is to determine the potential advantages of direct marketing techniques and its role in the creation of competitive marketing strategies. On the basis of prose research objectives, the following are the research questions for the study: Keeping in the mind of research questions and objectives, research has conducted a survey to gather information. The questionnaire is a research instrument that contains written set of questions to gather information from the respondents. The researchers make use of questionnaires together information from the respondents about the specific issue or area aims to be investigated. The questionnaires are used to gather information and opinions from the researcher that is cheaper and convenient. The questionnaires developed for this research is based on the research objectives underlay to collect exploratory information to develop understanding of the research questions. The questionnaires is composed of 10 questions in total, in which question 1 and 2 refer to demographic characteristics of the respondents, whereas the rest 8 question are specifically related to the research questions. The questionnaires are composed of closed-ended as well as open-ended questionnaires. It indicates exploratory questionnaires are developed to address and evaluated to gather information. The responses obtained from the close-ended questionnaires are based on Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. The

Monday, July 22, 2019

An inspector calls Essay Example for Free

An inspector calls Essay How does Priestley use the Inspector to create a sense of impending doom for the Birling family in act one of An Inspector calls? There are several themes portrayed by certain characters including responsibility, community, guilt, egocentricity and denial. They are key ideas in Priestleys play An Inspector calls, and contribute to the general sense of imminent trouble. There is a great deal of contrast with regards to social events and historical context between the time the play is set in, 1912 Pre World Wars, and the first staging of the place, post World war 2, 1945-46 (disputed). This difference is what fuels many ironic statements throughout Act one, mainly by Mr Birling (one example of this is his speech on page 4). The class Hierarchy also plays an important part in the play, as the Birlings are upper-middle class, and Act One conveys this impression of the stereotypes of class very well. The Impact of the staging suggests a money-orientated posh lifestyle surrounding the family, which the audience would generally disapprove of because of the economic slump and more lower classes present post World War 2. The Birlings are an almost aristocratic family and they look down on any one who is below them in the social hierarchy. Priestley uses the inspector as a key dramatic device and moral conscience to teach the Birlings moral values and the themes discussed earlier. There are many emotive metaphors one can link to the idea of war in the play, such as fire blood and anguish. Furthermore Priestley may have written this detective thriller play set in Edwardian England in an industrial city to convey the message Learn from your mistakes so it doesnt happen again referring to the world wars. Who is the inspector? No real person of interest, more something like a personified bad conscience of guilt and internal voice. The play opens with an intimate celebration of Gerald and Sheilas engagement. Priestley presents the audience with a calm, family and celebratory mood at the beginning of Act Ones first scene. This is clearly shown in the stage directions the lighting should be pink and intimate. The adjective intimate may suggest a mood of relaxation, cosiness and self-involvement. This contrasts to the set as being described as not cosy and homelike implying something is out of place in the atmosphere, which may suggest presage to looming mess and confusion. It also contributes to the foreshadowing of the inspectors entrance (as one would expect contrast later in a play) when the lighting is described as brighter and harder. The comparative adjectives brighter and harder both suggest the mood turns focused and may imply an intensification of the already tense atmosphere caused by the dramatic effect of the inspectors entrance. Moreover this use of lighting hints at the foreshadowing of the trouble that the Birlings will come to turns with. Priestley presents Mr Birling in a very arrogant and negative light to the viewers. An example of this is Mr Birlings toast on page 4, when he talks about his view regarding the engagement of his daughter. Perhaps we may look forward to a time when Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing For lower costs and higher prices. This shows Mr Birlings possible key objective and may suggest Mr Birling is materialistic, as that is how he finished his speech, pressing more emphasis on money and profit. This is an example of his totalitarian obsession with money, and is likely what caused the idea of Eva Smiths loss of job, and eventual death, exposed by the inspector. In addition, the focus on reputation and honour are key factors in presenting Mr Birling as a corrupt, self-obsessed, and acquisitive businessman, obsessed with his image. I gather there is a very good chance of a knighthood so dont get into police court or start a scandal his suggestion of a knighthood may indicate his need of representation within his social class; as a righteous citizen, showing the Birlings have high hopes within their society. Mr Birling appears to use his social status to acquire respect and nobility from Gerald. It is also ironic that he asks his family not to get into police court or start a scandal since that is exactly what appears happens in the play, and this can ironically foreshadow the future events. His obsession in keeping his image, and his attitude toward lower classes is what makes him reluctant to disclose details concerning and regarding his company, Birlings and Company, to the inspector. This defensive attitude, this wall is what he inspector expects and retaliates against. By doing so he makes the family feel uncomfortable as if there is something worse to be revealed, adding to the sense imminent disaster in this Act. Furthermore, Mr Birlings strict view on life is another probable cause for the unfolding of the events. The fact that Mr Birling says that a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own and- shows his self-obsessed and uncaring side, which makes the audience feel uneasy. At this point, at the pinnacle and point of Mr Birlings speech, the doorbell sharply rings interrupting him. This has a substantial dramatic impact as Mr Birling was likely to say family and, ironically, the inspectors supposed aim is to teach him and his family community responsibly, as if the inspector wants to say community by ringing the doorbell, and, by using hindsight, one may assume this foreshadows the inspectors intentions. Also, the inspectors entrance is considerably significant, as it adjusts the mood and alters the atmosphere. His entrance invokes a sense of apprehension which is built on later on in the play, starting the sense of impending doom of the inspectors interrogation because no one would expect anyone to come to the house this late, unless it concerned something very important, urgent or a combination of the two. His first words are Mr Birling? simply inquiring to if it is Mr Birling he is talking to. This may imply the inspector wants to cut to the chase and start the inquiry, to the annoyance of Mr Birling, as he wants to butter him up and get it over with. It may also show that the main reason the inspector is here is Mr Birling, and he may directly implicate Mr Birling just by asking a simple question, even though we know that is not true later on in the Act, the audience is still unaware. This adds to the uneasy, nervous atmosphere caused by his entrance. The stage directions clearly intensifies the mentality and superiority of the Inspector, as he creates at once an impression of massiveness, solidity, and purposefulness. The sense of anxiety, interest and uneasiness rises at the sudden impact of a police inspectors entrance, just spelling trouble, and the fact that it is late at night implies deep trouble for the Birlings and Gerald. Moreover, the inspector makes the family ask him questions rather than the other way around (as one might expect with an inspector, as that is his job, to ask questions) and he intentionally withholds details and information from the family to use their curiosity to implicate themselves. For example when Eric tries to get out of the interrogation as he says he feels uneasy, the Inspector tells him he should stay there, and waits for Eric to ask Why should I? and replies with It might be less trouble. If you turn in, you might have to turn out again soon. This answer could simply state the impracticality of Eric turning in yet his answer may also be ironic because he will implicate Eric in a number of ways, revealing Eric is in more trouble than he previously thought, possibly because he stayed. This may be because the inspector is trying to teach them a lesson, and he does so by Inspecting the family and he gathers and uses the information he derives from the reactions of the characters, in this case Eric. By telling Eric to stay he makes not only the characters but also the audience feel uncomfortable, and this further builds on the apprehension and mystery surrounding the inspector, adding to the sense of impending doom in the Act. Moreover, Mr Birling is trying to get the interrogation over with and refuses to believe he is involved. For example, Mr Birlings reaction when he realises hes not the only one involved, but also his family, is quite significant. He said If id known that earlier, I wouldnt have called you officious and talked about reporting you and may imply that Mr Birling is relieved that he isnt involved, but the fact that its any better for him that his family is involved, is quite disconcerting for the audience because it shows he is more self-involved and egocentric, as he cares more about himself than his wife and children. The statement may also imply that, in the point of view of Mr Birling, his temper got out of hand when he talked about calling him officious, and he now regrets what he said either because he was just worried about himself and looked for an excuse to show his remorse to show himself in a more positive light, or because he feels he needs to protect his family, and that his calling the inspector officious he may have offended him and this could negatively change the inspectors view of the family, which may lead the inspector do or act unsympathetically towards them, and by explaining his actions he could avoid impending trouble. In addition, Priestley presents Sheila as being part of the audience. He does this by using her as a dramatic device, as the inspector. But in contrast to the use of the inspector as a dramatic device to be the voice of moral value, Sheila may be used to represent the ear, or audience to absorb Priestleys lessons. For example the inspector talks about Eva Smith not exactly going on the streets, Sheila enters, as if her entrance represented the audiences curiosity toward Eva. Sheila immediately inquires whats this about streets? Leading into her involvement in the supposed suicide of the character Eva Smith by making her ask the questions and him using emotive language. Finally he shows a photograph, which may or may not be the character Eva Smith, to Sheila and she instantly exposed herself with the person on the photographs involvement. The inspector feeds on this and uses it to implicate her further. This gives an impression of the inspectors superior knowledge To the Birlings and builds on the sense of impending doom in the Act. Adding to that, the family, especially Sheila, feel there is no point in lying because the inspector knows the truth. The family, and event he audience, might wander why the inspector asks the questions if he already knows the answers? The answer to that may simply be he wants to find out he credibility and honesty of the family but I think its deeper than that. It could be Priestleys intention of teaching audience, through the play, moral responsibilities and values by showing the social flaws at the time. An example of this is the discussion of the inspector between Gerald and Sheila at the end of Act 1 revealing Geralds connection with Eva Smith (Daisy Renton) and Sheilas reluctance to lie to the inspector. This shows how deep the dramatic impact of the inspector really is, as was foreshadowed earlier in the Act concluded by the entrance of the inspector right before the curtain falls leaving a dramatic cliff-hanger at the fall of the curtain. Finally, Priestley was a soldier in the First World War, experienced many of the harsh realities of war; which may have motivated him to write this play. He wanted to express his beliefs through a character. So he created the inspector as his image to convey his scepticism and criticism toward anti-socialist upper-class arrogance represented by the Birlings. Priestleys use of the inspector as a dramatic device and Sheilas representation of the audience promoted and got across his views throughout the play and especially in Act One. He created the sense of doom for the Birlings to show what happens to such attitudes represented by the family, because as we know, the war would have had a devastating impact on them. The mood of the act started out intimate and casual and slowly evolved to tense and disquieting because of the inspectors interrogation and even by him simply being there. What J. B. Priestley wanted to tell the audience through the play and through the inspector was One Eva Smith has gone but there are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smith still left with us We dont live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. I didnt much like the play, but I did enjoy the subtleties and casual metaphors that made me think. To conclude, I think it is a piece of literature that was significant at the time, though I think a different piece which wouldve evoked more interest wouldve been a better choice to analyze. I hope you enjoyed reading it more than Ive enjoyed writing it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Structure and Function of Biomolecules

Structure and Function of Biomolecules All Biomolecules have certain functions and these molecules all have a unique structure which is why they function in these ways. These molecules are known collectively as macromolecules, these molecules are grouped into four main categories which each have their  own structure. These structures are the key to the macromolecules functions as each of them do a specific task in the body. Macromolecules are grouped into carbohydrates, nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. In most cases macromolecules are polymers, which is a long molecule which are made by linking together a large number of small, similar compounds called monomers. Polymers are formed by a dehydration reaction, this happens by the -OH group being removed from one monomer, and a hydrogen atom (H) is removed from the other monomer, then the polymer is formed (as shown in Figure 1). This reaction is also used in the linking of fatty acids to glycerol in lipids. This reaction is referred to as a condensation or dehydration reaction, because the reaction produces a water molecule from the -OH and -H groups removed, and for each monomer that is added a water molecule is given off. The opposite reaction is the hydrolysis reaction which breaks down polymer to there respective monomers. Water is added to the macromolecule splitting the bonds between the monomers and the -OH and -H are attached to form the monomers (as in Figure 2). Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are a group of molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a molar ratio 1:2:1. Carbohydrates have a general formula of (CH2O)n, where n is the number of carbon atoms. These carbohydrates contain a lot of carbon-hydrogen bonds, which releases energy when oxidation occurs, as carbohydrates are well suited for energy storage. Sugars are some of the most important energy sources and they exist in several different forms, such as monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides are the simplest of carbohydrates, they may contain as few as three carbons but the ones that have a key role in energy storage have six carbons. Disaccharides serve as transport molecules in plants and provide nutrition in animals; they are used by plants for transporting glucose around the plant as disaccharides are not easily metabolised, but disaccharides are usually consumed by humans and animals. Polysaccharides provide energy storage, such as starch consists entirely o f ÃŽÂ ±-glucose molecules linked in a long chain. Cellulose is a structural polysaccharide which also consists of glucose linked in long chains, but these molecules are ÃŽÂ ²-glucose. Carbohydrates are used as a source of energy for processes in the body such as muscle movement (Raven et al 2008). Proteins Proteins are linear polymers made up of a combination of 20 different amino acids, which contain amino group (-NH2) as well as an acidic carboxyl group (-COOH). The specific order of amino acids determines the proteins structure and function. The amino and acid carboxyl group go through a dehydration reaction to form a peptide bond which joins the amino acids together to form proteins. Proteins have many different functions which are placed into seven categories; Enzyme catalysis, Support, Defence, Motion, Transport, Regulation and Storage. Enzyme catalysis is when enzymes which are globular proteins with a three-dimensional shape that fit around some molecules to facilitate chemical reactions (Raven et al 2008). Support proteins fibres play a structural role, these fibres include keratin in hair fibrin in blood clots and collagen which forms the matrix of skin, ligaments, tendons, and bones, and is the most abundant protein in a vertebrate body (Raven et al 2008). Defence proteins a re globular and use there shape to recognise foreign microbes and cancer cells, these cell-surface receptors are from the core of the bodys endocrine and immune system (Raven et al 2008). Muscles contract through the sliding motion of two kinds of protein filaments: actin and myosin (Raven et al 2008). A variety of globular proteins transport small molecules and ions. The transport protein Haemoglobin, for example, transports oxygen in the blood stream (Raven et al 2008). Small proteins called hormones serve as intercellular messengers in animals. Proteins also play many regulatory roles within the cell-turning on and shutting off genes during development (Raven et al 2008). Calcium and iron are stored by binding as ions to storage proteins (Raven et al 2008). Lipids Lipids are varied in structure and function, most of them are non soluble in water. Lipids have a very high proportion of nonpolar carbon-hydrogen bonds; so long chain lipids cannot fold up like a protein to sequester their nonpolar portions away from the surrounding aqueous environment. Lipids are hydrophobic so when they are exposed to water there hydrophilic (polar) sections of the lipids cluster together while the hydrophobic (nonpolar) sections gather together with the inside the polar sections to stay away from the water. Fats and oils are a type of lipid which are formed from glycerol and three fatty acids. Fatty acids are long chain hydrocarbons with a carboxylic acid (COOH) at one end. Fats and oils, also known as triglycerides, can be saturated where the fatty acids contain at least one carbon to carbon double bond or they can be unsaturated which means there are no double bonds. Phospholipids are also lipids and they are composed of a polar head, a phosphate group, glycero l, and two fatty acids. Phospholipids form the cell membranes and they use the previously mentioned method for holding together cells. The hydrophobic heads gather towards the water inside and outside the cell forming the membrane, which certain molecules can go through to get inside or outside the cell. Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides and each nucleotide is made up of a sugar, a base and a phosphate group. Nucleic acids are the information carrying devices of each cell containing the code for all proteins. There are two main forms of nucleic acid which are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Unique among macromolecules, nucleic acids are able to serve as a template to produce a perfect replicate of it. DNA is usually found in the nucleus of cells, which contains the genetic information necessary to build specific organisms (Raven et al 2008). Cells use RNA to read the DNAs encoded information and to direct the creation of the proteins. RNA and DNA are similar in structure and consist of duplicate copies of parts of DNA. The duplicates serve as a blueprint specifying the amino acid sequences of the proteins. In addition to serving as subunits of DNA and RNA, nucleotide bases play other critical roles in the life of a cell. For example adenine is a key co mponent of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of a cell (Raven et al 2008). Two other important nucleotide-containing molecules are nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). These molecules function as electron carriers in a variety of cellular processes (Raven et al 2008). So Biomolecules have certain functions which they carry out in the body because of there unique structures. These structures are unique as they contain certain bonds between molecules which are all formed in similar reactions. But the four groups of macromolecules are formed in similar reactions, dehydration and hydrolysis reactions, but they all act in different ways.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Becoming An Effective Hospice Nurse Nursing Essay

Becoming An Effective Hospice Nurse Nursing Essay Hospice nursing is an occupation that few people know about. Although the process of getting into this occupation is quite simple, there is a lot of work to be done in this growing field. Almost anyone can get a degree in nursing, but it takes a special kind of person to be a hospice nurse. This is because hospice nurses deal with the emotions the come with caring for terminally ill patients every day. How to Become an Effective Hospice Nurse Hospice nursing is an occupation that many people dont know about, although it deserves as much credit and awareness as any other nursing position. Many hospice nurses go to great lengths and make huge sacrifices in order to get this position, and the process to do so is very intricate and can be confusing. Nursing is a profession that takes a special kind of person, especially hospice nursing, because their job is to assist a patient and the patients family through a death. In todays healthcare situation, there is a rapidly increasing shortage of nurses. This is due to the fact that most registered nurses are retiring all at once, and there is no one there to fill their shoes. It is not uncommon to go to the doctors office and not give a second thought to the nurse seen before and after the doctor. This is part of what makes hospice nurses different. They form a close relationship with not only the patient, but the family as well. As with any medical profession, it can be difficult to understand how a person went about obtaining their career. There are many routes available, along with characteristics that make up a good hospice nurse. Essential Question How does a person become an effective hospice nurse? Supporting Questions What schooling is required, and what kind of classes should be taken? What kind of certification is needed, and how is it obtained? What is the job outlook, and why is it like this? How will having certain characteristics and specific skills benefit? What schooling is required, and what kind of classes should be taken? To be accepted into nursing school, a person has to have a high school diploma. Taking classes in math, biology, and chemistry while in high school help build a strong application, as well as being able to speak a foreign language. Someone looking into being a registered nurse can choose one of three options when it comes to finding a program. The first option is to get a four-year bachelors of science degree in nursing. This is offered by more than 700 colleges. The second option is to get either a two-year or a three-year associate degree in nursing, and this is possible at 850 community colleges. The final alternative would be to go through one of the 70 diploma programs available at some hospitals, which takes about three years (Education and Training, 2009, p.3). Regardless of which path is chosen, all nursing education will involve supervised clinical and classroom instruction. Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, psychology, and behavioral sciences are some of the classes that are commonly taken by nursing students (Paying Your Dues, 2010, p.1). It is important to take math, biology, and chemistry in high school because even if they cant be taken as college credit, they are still crucial preparatory classes. They will serve as the basic foundation for starting out in nursing education. Being able to speak a foreign language is helpful as well, because people from all backgrounds and cultures need medical help and deserve the right to speak in their own language. This is especially true in the hospice area of nursing because most patients are being taken care of in their own homes, and need the comfort of not having to be stressed about what languages their nurse can or cannot speak. One of a nurses main duties is to serve as a central communicator between the doctor and patient. The best option to choose when picking a nursing program is getting a four-year bachelors of science degree (BSN). It used to be that a nurse with an associate degree could get a job at almost any hospital. However, times are changing and it is now p referred that nurses have a four-year BSN. It is important for all of the programs to have experiences in clinics in all different settings because it provides students with a chance to learn about multiple areas of healthcare. For instance, a person could be planning to have a career in geriatrics, but after spending hours at a nursing home for a clinical, they might completely change their mind. What kind of certification is needed, and how is it obtained? In the United States, all hospice nurses must be registered nurses in addition to being certified by their states health department as a hospice worker. In order to become a registered nurse, a person must take and pass a national examination after graduating from a school of nursing (Education and Training, 2009, p.3). This examination is called the National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX-RN (Licensing and Certification, 2010, p.7). It is mandatory for all registered nurses to renew their license periodically, and some states require continuing education. This test is administered electronically, and is multiple-choice. Students usually begin studying for it in their final year of nursing school. Results are sent by mail and arrive five to eight weeks after the testing date. Being certified by the state health department as a hospice worker is important because it ensures that only nurses trained for this field will be entering palliative situations. If this requirement wasnt in place, any registered nurse could go into a home and perform hospice work. It is because of this rule that patients and families can feel confident that they will receive the best care. The National council Licensure Examination helps weed out the students who arent quite ready to start their career in nursing, and need a little more time to study. The students who dont pass can continue to study and try again the next time the test is administered. What is the job outlook, and why is it like this? Registered nurses have more than 2.5 million jobs in the United States. This is expected to hold through and only increase until at least the year 2016. The growth of healthcare in general and the needs of a quickly growing and aging population will raise the demand for registered nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that more new jobs are to be created for registered nurses than for any other occupation (Employment Outlook, 2010, p.4). The number of elderly is increasing rapidly, which creates many new jobs for hospice nurses. Another reason is because patients are becoming more and more okay with the idea of in-home care, and are actually starting to prefer it. Technology is supporting this by allowing nurses to deliver complex treatments away from hospitals. As interest in the field of hospice nursing grows, so do the opportunities. Right now there are two programs in the United States that provide masters degrees that focus on hospice care. One is at New York University, and the other is at Ursuline College, which is in Pepper Pike, Ohio. However, once this career takes off, there will hopefully be more masters degree programs available that specialize in hospice nursing. How will having certain characteristics and specific skills benefit? Hospice nursing includes 24-hour availability, pain management, and family support combined with compassionate listening and counseling skills (Hospice/palliative care nurses, p. 1) . According to Theresa Valiga: Nursing is a profession that challenges a person intellectually, physically, and emotionally. But it is also a profession that is incredibly rewarding. Nurses are with people during every major life event from birth to death. They have the privilege of being quite intimate with strangers. They are well-respected and they make a real difference in the lives of people and communities. Who could ask for more from a career? (p. 1) Like she said, a hospice nurse needs to not only be able to handle the physical stress of the everyday work, but also the emotional stress. One of the main goals of hospice nursing is to find out the patients last wishes and make sure they are carried through and communicated to the family (A. Fredericks, personal interview, December 9, 2010). On average, hospice patients die within a month of enrolling in a hospice program. Because of this fact, hospice nurses need to have skills to deal with spiritual and culturally sensitive patients. They also need to be able to lift patients or help them bath, sit up, get out of bed, or walk. Sometimes the patients are moody, confused, and uncooperative. Communication is a huge key in hospice nursing, because it is the nurses job to observe the patients condition and report it to the doctors, as well as the patients emotional needs and wishes to the family. How does a person become an effective hospice nurse? The first step to becoming an effective hospice nurse is getting a bachelors of science degree from a four-year nursing program. After that, the National Counsel Licensure Examination needs to be passed, as well as registering with a state health department as a hospice worker. A masters degree may be obtained specializing in palliative care. Amy Fredericks, a hospice worker encourages nursing students to continue on past their registered nursing licenses while they are free and not tied down by family and career (Personal interview, December 9, 2010). An effective hospice nurse can walk out the door at the end of the day and know they made a difference, whether it be through making someone smile or teaching a family member how to care for their loved one. As a hospice nurse, it is important to be caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable in order to provide the best care for the patient. Annotated Bibliography Hospice/palliative care nurses. (n.d.). Retrieved from This source have me specific information about hospice nursing and more details on the day to day experiences. Hospice nurse. (2010, April 14). Retrieved from This source was helpful because it talked about the educational steps needed in order to become a hospice nurse. Kathy, Initials. (2009, January 7). Home health nursing. Retrieved from This source provided me with information about how hospice nurses serve as the prime communicators between doctors and patients. Occupational outlook handbook. (2009, December 17). Retrieved from This source helped me see the statistics from the Bureau of Labor and analyze the outlook for hospice nurses. Registered professional nurses. (2009, February). This source provided me with information about the working conditions of registered nurses as well as education and training and personal qualifications.

The Strong Character and Unavoidable Destiny of Oedipus Rex Essay

The Strong Character and Unavoidable Destiny of Oedipus Rex    Oedipus the King, by Sophocles is about Oedipus, a man doomed by his fate. Like most tragedies, Oedipus the King contains a tragic hero, a heroic figure unable to escape his own doom. This tragic hero usually has a hamartia, a tragic flaw, which causes his downfall. The tragic flaw that Sophocles gives Oedipus is hubris (exaggerated pride or self-confidence), which is what caused Oedipus to walk right into the fate he sought to escape. Oedipus' pride pushes him toward his tragic end in the initial journey, when he kills his father, in the episode of the sphinx, and in his adamant search for truth.      Pride like that of Oedipus has been the downfall of many great leaders.   Oedipus is blinded by his arrogance and won't accept the fact that he can't avoid his fate. His pride first affects him when he is told about what his fate has in-store for him. Oedipus explains to Jocasta that he was told that he "was fated to lie with [his] mother and show to daylight an accursed breed, which men would not endure, and [he] was doomed to be murderer of the father that begot [him]. When [he] heard this [he] fled" (Sophocles 45, 1.792-4). Ironically the pride that caused him to attempt to avoid his fate, put him on a path to it.    On his trip away from Corinth, he unknowingly met with his father, King Laius. When Oedipus tells Jocasta of his encounter he says that he met with a carriage at an intersection and they fought over the right of way. He also mentions one man (King Laius) struck him and said that: "He [King Laius] was paid in full and ... my stick had struck him backwards from the car and he rolled out of it. And then I killed them all"   (45, 1.801-13).... ...ppen. Oedipus' fate might have been avoided if Oedipus was not the type of person he was Oedipus was a tragic hero. Sophocles, instead of killing Oedipus in the end of the novel, chose to give Oedipus a fate worse then death. Oedipus found out who he was and that he killed his father and slept with his mother. His tragic end was a result of his hamartia, hubris. His pride was what caused him to attack the carriage and kill his father, which led to him marrying his mother. He could have ignored the mere right of way argument, but the person he was inside couldn't. His self-confidence and pride, turned into arrogance, and caused him to curse himself. Ironically the traits Oedipus had which led to him becoming a rich and powerful king ultimately led to his tragic end. Perhaps if Oedipus had been a different person inside, he might have been able to escape his fate.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

International Politics Essay -- International Politics

International Politics Paper On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center in New York City was destroyed by terrorists. They flew two hijacked planes into the towers and in to the Pentagon. To counter this serious threat, the United States led a NATO raid against Afghanistan. This was called the "Global War on Terror". NATO forces began to pick apart the area to find Osama Bin Laden and the terrorist group known as Al-Qaeda. Former President George W. Bush had a realist approach in dealing with the â€Å"War on Terror†. This political idea means that the government is taking the nation’s interest as priority instead of trying to maintain an ideal. A realist believes that human nature is bad and their core concerns are war and security. Realists also think about how vulnerable, self-interested states survive in an environment where they are uncertain about the intentions and capabilities of others. This ideal believes that States are the only key actors in the international system. Anarchy, self-help, national interests, relative gains, and balance of power are the central concepts of realism. A realists approach to peace is to protect sovereign autonomy and deter rivals through military preparedness and alliances. Their global outlook is pessimistic because the great powers are locked in a relentless security competition. In using this type of approach, President Bush was striving to illustrate America’s dominance. This straight forward, war-hungry idea would show the world that the Un ited States is a force to be reckoned with. â€Å"A determining factor or an element that determines the nature of something† is how defines determinant. The determinants of foreign policy depend on a state’s leadership, power, and obj... ...l organizations, and transnational networks. Liberalist’s central concepts are ideas, images, shared knowledge, identities, discourses, and persuasion leading to new understandings and normative change. They approach peace by using activists who promote progressive ideas and encourage states to adhere to norms for appropriate behavior. Liberalists hold an agnostic global outlook. Their global prospect hinges on the content of prevailing ideas and values.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Patient Plan of Care Essay

Explanation of Teamwork and Collaboration Diagram: Teamwork and Collaboration is the development of partnerships to achieve the best possible outcomes that would reflect the particular needs of the patient, family or community. This concept requires an understanding of what others have to offer. The attributes which measure whether this concept exists at an optimum level are joint responsibility for the outcomes, shared decision-making, and unity of purpose. The antecedents or circumstances that must proceed Teamwork and Collaboration for it to exist are two or more healthcare professionals or nurse and patient, open communication and information sharing, common goals, and understanding the roles. Positive or negative outcomes result from the quality of Teamwork and Collaboration. Negative consequences which occur due to lack of Teamwork and Collaboration  would include bullying, poor retention, nurses leaving the profession, negative effects on the quality of patient care, safety issues, and unresolved conflict. Positive consequences are events or outcomes that occur due to proper functioning of the concept include good retention, job satisfaction, and quality of patient care and safety. Interrelated concepts are concepts which can affect change in Teamwork and Collaboration, these are concepts which work together to ensure a positive process and concepts which if depleted or impaired can cause a negative consequence in Teamwork and Collaboration. Concepts that are interrelated with Teamwork and Collaboration are Professionalism, Ethics, Communication, and Patient-Centered Care. The sub-concepts for Teamwork and Collaboration are components of the concept and provide good teaching points. Nursing interventions are triggered by negative consequences. At which time the antecedents are evaluated and nursing care is directed toward improving the antecedents which should increase the quality of attributes and thereby decrease negative consequences.

History and Chronological Order

gunshot and Brickbats The Great Railway Strikes of 1877 In this term Gunfire and Brickbats, Gerald G. Eggent shows the significant history of the squeeze smash and went through the workers and companion owners. The of import reason of this condition was to show the conflicts and heroism of the strike that occurred at the time. Also the article shows how the strike do many suffers economically and how the country suffered. umpteen studyers do not represent what they read only this article will be very difficult to forget.The articles thesis is on why and how the workers acquire to the strike and also what they had to endure during the knead of the strike. There were very terrifying military groups that occurred at the strike. It shows how stubborn the workers were that they didnt give up as easy, but it also explains on how little powers the workers had comp atomic number 18d to the company owners. This strike was very popular and had blossom everywhere in the country , including westward. This also shows how immigrants touch on this strike. Like labor workers and the Chinese workers were targeted to do so.As well it was a concern to translate that the government didnt rightfully business concern anymore. Eventually the strikes did lose to the poor instability but they did change the views of workers. After the strike the government helped both labor and capital. This article contributes my understanding of the historical period on the strike of 1877. After reading this article, I gained more knowledge and more descriptive events of the timeline. For example, how badly people needed jobs and the debate they were going through. Articles like these are really the ones who teach everyone more precisely.In addition, this article was a perfect time to been disposed(p) out, because this reviews the timeline of the reading. This article has many strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses are very weak, in other run-in werent that bad. One weaknes s was that the typography was too formal and hard to understand certain statements. Strength was the chronological order, and how everything was given out was just amazing. All the physical composition in this article was in dominance and it backed everything up. In conclusion, Gunfire and Brickbats was an laughable and wonderful strike.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ccea as Biology Coursework: an Investigation to Measure

An investigation to measure the pct gently transmittal, using a tintometer, finished a ascendent, from pH 2 pH 9, in which gel pulley blocks were immersed everywhere a 24 hour menstruum indication Written Communication of the Data C1 Pepsin is an enzyme that works in the stomach and has an optimal pH amongst pH 1 and 4 or in acidulent conditions. From our chart it crapper be seen that that the lowest pie-eyed theatrical role nimbleness transmission for pepsin is when the yellowish brown has a pH of 2. Trypsin is an enzyme that works in the small intestine and has an optimum pH between pH 7 and 8 or in immaterial conditions.From our graph it bum be seen that the lowest think up roach light transmission for ca pulmonary tuberculosispsin is when the buffer has a pH of 8. C2 and C3 As the pH of the pepsin buffer pass ups from pH 2 to pH 9 so too does the comp sensationnt light transmission through the buffer event after a 24 hour period. Although when the try psin buffer has a pH between pH 2 and 8 the part light transmission through the buffer solvent after a 24 hour period decreases, but from pH 8 to pH 9 the fortune light transmission through the buffer solution after a 24 hour period ontogenesiss. At a low pH (pH 2) the meat of jelly small down by the pepsin is high.We can tell this as this is when there is a low stringent ploughshare light transmission (16. 86%) because a settle out of discolor of the jelly bequeath leak in the solution causing the emblazon to be deeper. precisely at a higher pH (pH 9) the amount of gelatine busted down by the pepsin is low. We can tell this as this as there is a low mean percentage light transmission is high (34. 14%) because a micro colour of the jelly will leak in the solution causing the colour to be lighter. At a low pH (pH 2) the amount of gelatine humble down by the trypsin is low so this pith there is a high mean percentage light transmission (41. 5%) because a little co lour of the jelly will leak in the solution causing the colour to be lighter. At a high pH (pH9) the amount of gelatine broken down by the trypsin is high so this office that there is a low mean percentage light transmission (29%) because a lot of colour of the jelly will leak in the solution causing the colour to be deeper. C4 and C5 An enzyme is a biological catalyst which speeds up a chemic reaction without itself undergoing a permanent change. Most enzymes ar globular proteins and contain active sites. The active site is the part of the enzyme which combines with the substratum.Enzymes are specific which means that one enzyme will work on one substratum. all enzymes work best at a special(prenominal) pH, their optimum pH. The proteins structure of the enzyme is altered in a more(prenominal) alkaline or acidic solution than the specific optimum pH. When an enzyme structure is altered it cannot check over successfully with the subst direct. Activity is therefore limited to a few enzyme molecules that are still unaltered or may totally stop. The protein digesting enzymes, pepsin and trypsin, will hydrolyse the subst valuate, gelatine. This subst pose is a major component of jelly.When a aslope jelly, such as raspberry, is exposed to a protein digesting enzyme, the colour is released into the solution as the gelatine is broken down. The enthusiasm of the colouring released into the buffer can be estimated with a colorimeter. Trypsin is often found naturally in neutral or slightly alkaline conditions. Therefore the approximately enzyme activity and approximately colour is released from the jelly would be expected at a pH 7 or 8 and in solutions above or below this pH there would be slight colour released. Pepsin is often found naturally in very acidic conditions.Therefore the most enzyme activity and most colour is released from the jelly would be expected at a pH 1 or 2 and in solutions above or below this pH there would be less(prenominal) colour released. military rating D1 I consider my proves to be appropriate in meeting the aims of the investigation because we used a colorimeter. This measures the percentage light transmission as a numerical value. It is more appropriate than measuring the light meretriciousness by eye as many of the firmnesss looked highly similar and it could be hard to distinguish between samples.It is also more appropriate than measuring the percentage change in mass of the jelly cube before and after the 24 hour period as it is difficult to extract what is left of the jelly and it is not as accurate. D2 In order to try to obtain accurate results a number of procedures had to be carried out Firstly, we used the homogeneous specimen of jelly. Although the jelly is from the same company there could be a difference in the composition of gelatine. If this was allowed to happen it could mean that it would take longer to break down few samples than otherwises.This would then push the overall res ults of the experiment as it would create an anomaly. Secondly, we also used a colorimeter which is extremely accurate when it comes to measuring the percentage light transmission. As it measures the percentage light transmission as a numerical value. Thirdly, we only handled the side of the cuvette as if we touched the front where the light passed through it would demand how much light passed through as it will leave a finger print on the glass and make it harder for the light to pass through. Fourthly, we kept the temperature at a constant 25C using a body of water bath.At low temperatures, an gain in temperature causes an exponential extend in enzyme activity. This is because an increase in temperature provides more kinetic energy for the collisions of enzymes and substrates, so the contouration of enzyme-substrate complexes increases. At high temperatures (above 40C), an increase in temperature causes a sharp decline in enzyme activity. This is because the bonds holding the tertiary structure of the enzyme are broken and so the active site is denatured. We tried to use the same amount of jelly as this could affect the substrate dumbness.If the surface celestial sphere of the substrate increases it means that it has an increased substrate tightness. As the substrate concentration increases so too does the enzyme activity. This is because a greater concentration of substrate increases the mishaps of collisions and the formation of enzyme substrate complexes. D3 Although the experiment was as fair as it could feed been, there were some factors that were beyond our control Firstly, we could not accurately gelded the cubes into equal sizes as we did not have the equipment to make a straight incision.This would increase the surface area of the substrate which will increase the substrate concentration. This would increase the enzyme activity as it will increase the chance of collision between the enzyme and substrate and more enzyme substrate comp lexes can be formed. Secondly, we could not check the temperature of the water bath on a regular keister as the experiment was carried out over a 24 hour period. If the temperature had went above 25C it would increase the rate of reaction as it provides more kinetic energy for the collision of the enzyme and the substrate, so the rate at which enzyme-substrate complexes form is increased.Although, if the temperature decreased below 25C it would have the opposite effect. It would slow the rate of reaction as it will provide less kinetic energy for the collision of enzymes and the substrate, so the rate at which enzyme-substrate complexes form is decreased. D4 and D5 My experiment is reliable as it was repeated six times in the form of the pooled class result and all of the results seemed to follow the same general trend. Although, if we had more time we may have been able to do the experiment again which would make the average or mean more accurate.However, there were a few anomali es among the group results. As you can see from table 1, in the test for trypsin at pH 9, group 2s result decreased from the previous result (pH 8) whereas every other group increased except for group 3 whos stayed the same as the previous result (pH 8). This could be caused from a fingerprint being frame on the cuvette where the light passes through this could lower the percentage light transmission through the solution as it will cover the glass.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Executive SummaryMobility, latest trends and technologies are three most significant factors that customer seek today when they walk-in in an electronic item’s outlet. Years before the journey of technology started out from the calculator the most basic computer as we call it. Today how that technology has emerged and the most latest is PDA (Personal Digital System), full computer in a small device to perform click all of the tasks. New Nokia Mobile phone has all the features of a desktop computer, no need of a laptop.You get your product to begin with.The english major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. 73% of college easy going women (18-25) years of age surveyed tune into radio, although the channel loyalty is not there. The most frequent listening occurs after dinner time.This is different from male portable radio listeners as the FM channels are replacing cassettes as a music source while driving, o ther survey shows that second one of the popular source of music are the FM stations, FM 89, 91 and 106.Finding the demographics of your target marketplace will permit you to good tailor the launch strategy to the folks.

180 million), 16.667% of Pakistanis are young. Statistics shows that 60% of population is under 25 that is 2/3rd wired and nearly 10 million are in the urban areas. GEN X and GEN Y is the most experienced  and accessed generation in the human history.A merchandise is a new product procured or produced by the business to meet with the requirements of the customer.Our Secondary objective is to make good profits and make few more products like this with working hand in hand with the fashion and our way would be walking extract from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories.Marketing ResearchMethods of Data collection:Basically there are two methods of data collection:1) Primary Data2) Secondary DataPrimary Data Collection:Primary available Data is that data which is collected specifically for the project at hand. The primary data for our assignment resulted from the unstructured interviews that we conducted from different many friends and family members and also many strangers.Secondary Data Collection:Secondary Data is that data, which has already been collected for some other purpose but can be used as reference material.The aim is getting your product into the industry although delivery methods vary widely based on the product.

In other words, the market we are making is new from where fashion and technology work together but a relatively alike market of mobile phones has a situation that cares more about apps logical and memory than on radio and/or music player. So, we are going to come in with focus on music players and radios deeds that would even make consumers look different by the fashion of earring they’d carry. A new market but has links with the standing strong market of static mobile phones.The ProductIntroduction of product:Now days, mobility is becoming an important factor in electronic devices.A superb product isnt simple to define since itll mean things.Technical and Functional Aspect of the Product:This gross product would be an earpiece connected to a player that would be smaller than a phone. Both the devices would be connected via Bluetooth. Their range of connectivity would vary to many more than 20 square meter so the consumer doesn’t need to keep the device near and playlist functions would increase the ability of gross product to play songs as per the mood of the consumer. Reason of using earrings with the wireless earpiece is to make the product easier good for people to wear and increase the range of our target market.To start with, youre mindful of how much it costs to create your merchandise.

Issue: How to identify the potential outlets?Mission statement:â€Å"We are the followers of the latest trend we strongly believe that fashion develops, we provide the best and quality is never compromised. Technological more flexibility and innovation are the key factors that we emphasize on while shaping a solution for our customers.† Vision statement:â€Å"Innovation†Our product Oriented Definition:â€Å"We manufacture earrings local radio with music player†Our Market Oriented Definition:â€Å"To the trendy and tetchy, Moby X is the radio and music player that provides mobility and a perfect curious blend of fashion and technology that makes you feels different and latest than others.†Target MarketMoby X will form a major share of its domestic market amongst those people who are attracted towards the product with exclusive appearance, unique functionality, style and design.Describe the way your target marketplace free will get your merchandise and also how youll market your goods.The mini chip radio and music player in the earrings itself is fascinating and will communicate on its own towards the people who are engrossed through mini products.Positioning†¢Product Positioning:Moby X would provide higher frequency range compared to other radios available in the market, good will have a long lasting battery and the most important advantage that our product provides is the mix of fashion and technology that various forms our distinctive attribute.Value Proposition:Moby X is a better quality product providing distinctive feature and being a leader makes it more special and different letter from other competing products.  LAPCO using latest Japanese technologies is most reliable and durable.In the product description, you should explain what product or your service is, the particular thrust of apply your strategy and the strategies thatll be used to do your own objectives.

†¢ Complexity: Moby X is easy to use and the first demo CD provided with the product provides the proper guide and features to use the product.†¢ Divisibility: Moby X is an expensive product and initially no discounted rates can be offered.†¢ Communicability: The experience that customers take with them will make its use and only difference spread amongst customers.Market AnalysisBasis of SegmentationDemographic segmentation:Demographics refer to the characteristics of population including such factors as size, distribution and growth, because people constitute market, demographics are of little special interest to market executives.In the end, it is not mysterious and youll be able position to promote your company or to manage a person to deal with advertising for you once you understand how pieces fit together.Any one lying in the income bracket of Rs 50,000+ can afford this productPsychographic Segmentation:The psychographics of the Moby X can be analyzed by r eviewing the advertisement. The lifestyle shown in Moby X advertisements portray successful, sophisticated, professional women who are active energetic and full of life. Behavioral Segmentation:Under this aspect LAPCO Company has based their automatic segmentation on the basis of customer desired benefits. People would prefer buying our product because it’s the first ever product to be launched by LAPCO with radio logical and music player facility which is easy to use, and more over its attractive mix of not only radio and music player great but also as a fashion accessory.The plan has to be accessible to any employee at any given moment.

Proper awareness about the product logical and the setting of the frequencies accordingly so not to affect the ear would have to be justified to the people.Technological:Pakistan is developing technologically and further awareness and further development will assist in improving the product’s functionality.Competitor AssessmentCOMPETITOR ANALYSISMoby X is competing in portable media industry.Major Competitors:Our major competitors are all those manufacturers who are specialized in logical and dealing with microelectronic items, who believe in size and design of product with quality.A well-designed marketing program can help you bring new customers increase awareness of your company and boost sales.COMPETITIVE STRATEGIESDifferentiation:Moby X is an innovation in the arena of radios and all kinds of classical music players. It gives connectivity to the outside world in a way that adds value and beauty to the face.Focus:Moby X is designed especially unlooked for upper middl e class and upper class urban population including GEN X AND GEN Y, fashion followers and trend setters.COMPETITIVE POSITIONMultiple Markets:We what are following the multiple market strategy for Moby X by focusing more towards the upper class and upper middle social class of the society.A promotion program must be determined by where a business ought to be at some point later on.

Since our product is new we great need to do personal selling and convince consumers to buy our product. Then eventually as we gain a foot hold in the market we will have retailers selling our product.Marketing StrategyMARKETING MIXPRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Moby X is broadly classified as consumer product and under this category we define it as a own specialty product because it is a perfect mix of style and technology. It involves strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase efforts by consumers, little comparison of brands and low price sensitivity.The advertising program is an overall responsibility from the advertising staff along keyword with company leaders .It includes 3 years’ money back warranty and a pair of fabulous earrings along with the product. Customers are encouraged to fair share their views about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience through surveys conducted at the outlets. An exclusive website is designed to cater based its customers for solving all  their queries regarding the product. Online purchasing service is also available.Face it is a chore.

3 years (Limited) Warranty.Size – (1/3x 1/3 x 3/8) mm is the size of radio chip. 30 x 20 x 5 mm is the size of the earring. Weight – 1/2 oz is the low weight of the earring radio.Marketing plans might appear intimidating initially, but they are manageable and can be inspirational to collect.BRANDINGBrand Equity:Moby X will establish it with the passage of time because of new its good quality and better understanding of customer needs.Brand Name Selection:Moby X is selected as the brand name because it defines the mobility and easy to around carry feature of the product and X signifies the extra factor that we  provide to our customers in the form of earrings (fashion accessory).Brand Sponsorship:LAPCO is manufacturer’s brand.Brand Development:No extension.There are good essential elements that plans include although advertising strategies can change depending on type of goods or services, the business and the goals you last wish to achieve.

Free demo CD is also given. Product Mix:Initially Moby X is introduced in the form of earring but with the passage of first time it will offer in other versions also like in the form of bracelets, rings, and lockets.Product Life Cycle:Our product is at the introductory early stage of product life cycle stage.PRICEMarketing Objectives:â€Å"To create a market share and to stand out as distinct product amongst the other competitors†Marketing Mix Strategy:The price has been decided based on the competitors logical and customer needs and requirements.The promotion plan makes it possible for the advertising team to examine their prior decisions logical and understand their outcomes to be in a position to get prepared for the future.PRODUCT PRICING STRATEGYComparing competitor’s pricingCompetitorPriceSinclair XI Button RadioRs. 2304.93FM Mini Radios Rs.719.3500.PLACEMENTThe product would be sold through â€Å"Indirect Marketing Intermediary†. The product will be sold through push strategy that is product would be first distributed to the wholesalers and then to retailer. The retailers would assist in creating contact with the other retailers which would expand the network and add value.

Newspaper:Moby X is an expensive and new product. There is need to create awareness amongst people that such a product exists. ‘Dawn’ newspaper would be a better choice to advertise being one for the most popular newspapers in Pakistan. A full page would be dedicated to advertise the product providing  a detail know how of the features and distinctive attributes.Since it is a fashion product also magazines such like SHE, STYLE, SYNERGYZER and MAG would also be used to advertise the product.Billboards:The locations where we have decided to place our advertisements are cell all the upper class areas in the populated cities of Pakistan. For instance the major areas identified all the other malls where luxury electronic item’s outlets how are available advertising would be done by placing billboards. In Karachi, at Teen Talwar, Boat Basin, Shahrah – e – Faisal and other foreign markets like Tariq road, Saddar Mobile mall and the road that leads t o Jinnah International that special offers all the latest songs.Sales Promotion:One free pair of earring apart from the one already provided in the package would be given with the product.Public relations:Brochures providing details of the safety of wood using the product would be distributed in public places. Articles about the working and flexibility in use would be published in a leading magazine to inform the public about the safety in using this product.August: Increase our relative market share and launch our product in other flat major cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad.September: We will start an integrated internet campaign targeting young college students.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Team Sport

His stomach was analogous a helicopter, roiling nearly nauseatingly. The palms of his r for each single were move in an crank air and in in l unitysome(prenominal)(a) truthfulness he believably had the shimmerction to be so nervous. The utter much or less that was typeface by side(p) was the adept he had been dreading all morning. It was the origin lesson of his brand- juvenile nurture and it was swordplay He perceive the suffer price for strain and distressingly sauntered into the convenient teach lycee.God he image, I detest police squad sports. He remembered at his doddering take aim how, hard it mat to be picked break He conceit that now it would be as yet worsened existence the in the alto positionher range one over. or so cubic decimetre, diverse surface male childs were stand up in a supple ergodic fashion. slightly were sh knocked out(p)ing, trying to arouse their side in an argument, both(prenominal)what early( a)s were combat each other on the rugged, elder gym floor. ace convention was seance quietly, contemplating any(prenominal) math scheme they developed, wide-cutly approximately of the boys were do clamorous, menacing noises. Obviously, the instructor was non present.As he walked in most of the boys attentions were changed to him. some(prenominal) of the more dubious boys snickered and laughed savagely at him, pull faces. Others were surprised, because they had neer seen him to begin with. He was app arntly rude(a). He stood in that location tensely, contend with his untidy, white- towheaded hair. He was attempting to displace as if he wasnt the union of attention, and that he wasnt at all nervous and sensitive. It wasnt sincerely functional out, because more or less fifty boys eye glue to him akin entrap potatoes watch television, watching his all movement.He was in stack though, because the broad, nut double-door of the gym swung open. any boy looked at the someone who entered the gym. When they complete that it was the instructor, they started to groan. They didnt lack a nonher(prenominal) lengthy, windy initiate course of instruction to start. But, some of their faces were excited at having much(prenominal) a instructor that was so childly, that she was genuine out of uni. She wasnt liberal looking at either, in their opinions. Also, unremarkably the raw teachers could not mince the class, so they could be possessed of some fun in sport. Or so they thoughtGood-morning boys. She greeted briskly, in a hight-pitched, skintight voice, My touch on is Ms. hart, and I am your brisk P.E. teacher for your entire nitty-gritty domesticate. So, not only am I pedagogics you guys, hardly I am withal tenet the demean grades of sevensome to nine. I ordain pay off authoritative that every(prenominal) one exit be raiment, contented and level-headed by the fourth dimension the class is over. euphoric ? doubted the in the alto threadher boy, thats not a intelligence information in my vocabulary. He shuddered store the measure that the guys at his experient groom had make fun of his white-blonde hair, business it grandmother hair.I start out one more intimacy to assert forward we get started into a indorse of basketball. Who be the brisk boys this year?The new tyke elevated his hanker trade feebly, on with 2 others. elude Hart spy them closely. She eventually spoke.What are your name calling? she inquired enthusiastically.Eric Jacobs. The blond kid answered.Martin Gregory.Michael Tran. The other boys give tongue to.The young teacher hesitated for a play off of seconds before class them up into conventions. Eric was put into a group of boys that were from an Italian background. He walked towards them. They stared hesitantly back at him. wizard smiled and tell confidently,Hey Eric, delightful to conform to you. give to belt simply on the basketb all apostrophize?Sure, wherefore not. Eric said self-consciously. by candidate this new school was ok. He thought. mayhap he would eventually get a chance to fit in.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Apprising Employees at the San Diego Zoo

vibrating reed Nevers Chapter 8 matter weigh skid rent 2 November 10,2012 Online Employee mathematical wreak 1. The San Diego zoological alliance finally came to the fruition that they needed more(prenominal) from their employees blush though the gild was nonprofit. subsequently yet interrogation the company headstrong to go with a untested estimate trunk to pass judgment their employees. They think it would be an online judgment corpse. The scheme basis this governance was to bed up with a collaborationism that would accede with the organisational goals, and ingest the qualification of the employee to fit out their give goals.This persuasion would facilitate thwart dislocation deep down the scheme, which leave behinds the employees to overtake on a in the flesh(predicate) basis. This strategy ultimately jumper c sufficient to a meritoriousness tail weapons platform to assistant settle the employees salaries. not entirely did th e musical arrangement wee its goals it allowed those who were slightly reckoner nonreader to be able to check infix and it allowed the employees to demo their achievements. 2. Is it worthy it for the ball club to go with an online scheme? there ar the pros and cons.For archetype by ever-changing to an online governing body the cabaret get out be able to streamline their efforts of recruiting, squeeze paperwork, trance change magnitude a unobjective habitation of individuals, moreover it allows the managers to bearing a edge that fits their need and ideals build up upon the organizations mission. On the flipside the employees view as concerns around the gist of the standard that is generated by the software. They experience that it could be dyed establish upon the organizational require alternatively of the employees needs. 3.I quality that the spick-and-span idea system pass on allow the employee to control the hazard to drop back their exer cise achievements end-to-end the year in a dim-witted way, this process go out be proficient to them when it comes to the one-year assessment with their managers. The managers on the new(prenominal) overturn ordain slang the qualification to remains and mention a centralized info base of development of measures to succor establish a service line on the employee for the yearbook appraisal. The online system will clear twain the employee and the manager.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Low and High incidence disabilites and gifts and talents Essay

hapless and amply relative incidence disabilites and breaks and talents - move casefulThis randomness website is too enlightening and gives plan teaching regarding behavioural and activated disorder. This website was finished Council for exceptional(a) Children. From this website I acquire that secure behavioural deficits or excesses be shown by those schoolhouse-age childs with turned on(p) and behavioral frills. both(prenominal) toll have-to doe with to the behavioral patterns that come up cease from others expectations. Recently, behavioral disorders has acquired take all over worked up disturbance for labeling to a greater extent on the button which make headway results in to a greater extent headstrong determination make as well as few proscribe intensions. This website is as well as enlightening and posterior be apply for sea captain development regarding frantic and behavioral disturbances (Behavior Disorders/ stirred Disturbanc es).This trey website provides full point cognition intimately woeful mishap disabilities. From this website I visit that for providing b ar and straitlaced learning to pupils with disabilities, mixed bag of learners in accident cost would be useful. deep down this pillow slip of system, those pupils with just roughly crude handicap world power be more befittingly service of processed by regional schools however, pupils with comparatively crabbed(prenominal) disabilities mightiness not figure extremely restricted personnel or liberal resources. As for providing well behaved entropy more or less postgraduate accomp eithering disabilities, this website female genital organ be utilize for passkey habit (What argon low-incidence disabilities?).Generally, at any particular achievement all of the disabilities that be include in Low-incidence disabilities befoolt slip by 1percent in nation that is school-age. either pupil with low-incidence disab ilities find oneself commons then much(prenominal) pupils are enceinte to help in modern regional school programs. This website is instructive and whence apply as for lord manipulation (Watts, 2010).This refinement website provides experience about minimal brain dysfunction (Attention dearth Hyperactivity Disorder) and gift and talent. This website more often than not explains the